Get yourself interview ready
When we send you for an interview, we want you to give yourself the best chance of landing the job. Preparing yourself well in advance will help you to overcome the nerves, as well as giving you more to talk about and show your true value.
A good first impression is crucial, so do everything you can to appear relaxed, polite, well groomed and keen. Find out what you can about the company from the internet, press and people who have first hand knowledge.
Make a list of questions you think you may be asked and prepare your answers.
Prepared your own questions to ask (see below for ideas).
Download our list of potential questions to ask and be asked
Plan your journey and err on the side of caution. Much better to arrive early than late.
Wear something smart but comfortable. Do not wear body jewellery.
Arrive in good time. If you do get delayed, call your Jade consultant and let us know when you expect to arrive.
Greet your interviewer(s) by name, with a smile and a firm handshake.
Don’t worry about feeling nervous. The interviewer will take nerves into account. But try to relax.
Take note of your surroundings. Remember, this is your chance to see whether you want to work for them too.
Throughout the interview maintain eye contact with your interviewer(s) and watch your posture.
Don't waffle or avoid difficult questions. When you are asked a question remember that this is an opportunity to sell yourself. Offer more than just a 'yes' or 'no'.
If you feel that the interview is not going well, do not be put off. Some companies use this technique to test how you react.
Be positive and never talk negatively about your current or previous employer.
Remember to ask the questions you prepared before the interview. It is acceptable to bring notes into the interview with you.
Do not ask about salary, holidays or benefits at first interview stage.
If you are interested in the job, make sure you let the interviewer(s) know before you leave by saying why you like the role. When an employer is faced with two equally capable candidates they will offer the job to the candidate who showed the most interest in their company.
Thank the interviewer(s) for their time.
Remember, however skilled you are, a positive attitude makes you stand out from the crowd.