Many of you will know Alex already; he’s been an invaluable member of our team for a good while. Alex is a first-class recruiter with a true passion for what he does, and we were delighted to welcome him to Jade Recruitment’s Board earlier this year. We felt the occasion invited a great opportunity to get to know him better, so we’ve put him in the spotlight for a quick Q&A. The floor is yours, Alex…
How long have you worked at Jade Recruitment?
4 ½ years.
What do you enjoy most about working at Jade?
The variety of jobs we have in the local counties makes each day different. As well as my colleagues, who make the days enjoyable.
How do you think working in recruitment has changed during your time there?
Dealing with a variety of sectors at Jade is interesting. In March 2020 Covid hit the industry hard and we really had to adapt. Covering a variety of sectors, we were able to consult and understand different clients’ needs at a time of uncertainty, which helped us through tricky times. More than ever, it is important to understand both clients’ and candidates’ needs for a successful service.
What do you see developing for Jade as a result of your role as Director?
We want to be the go-to agency in and around Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex. We’ll continue to strive to be an honest, consultative and reliable agency, with a team of staff who will be open, hardworking and go out of their way to help our customers.
And finally, a bit of fun! You’re stranded on a desert island. If you could choose 3 luxury items to have with you, what would they be?
A fishing rod to catch fish, flint to start fire… and a football is the most important item!